Mayor for the years 1914 – 1915 Alderman 1904 – 1913, 1916 – 1917. Died 3rd September, 1930
From The Cumberland Argus, 4th September, 1930 Mr. James Henry Graham, a well known Parramatta citizen and former Mayor of the town, died in his sleep at his home, Campbell-street, Parramatta yesterday morning. For some time he had suffered from a heart affection and his wife and family had been warned that his death might come suddenly … Mr. Graham took a deep interest in public matters and was associated with most of the local public bodies …
Born in Bodalla in 1865 he was in his 66th year. His father was a contractor and the deceased’s boyhood was spent in the northern portion of the State, where his father carried out various contracts connected with the construction of the railway from Werris Creek towards the Queensland border.
At Uralla Mr Graham married Miss Jane Erwin, and shortly after removed to Otford where he opened a butchers business.The Otford tunnel was under construction at the time and there was a large population living in the vicinity in tents. After three years at Otford he came to Parramatta in 1888 and entered into partnership with Mr. Charles Summons as cordial manufacturers … The operations of the firm were limited for several years but as the result of hard work and keen management on the part of the principals the business developed into one of the largest of its kind in the State.
Today the name of Summons and Graham is a household one and the firm’s activities extend to Emu Plains in the west, Campbelltown in the south, Hornsby in the north and North Sydney in the East …
Mr. Graham entered Parramatta council in 1904 as a representative of Marsden Ward, and remained an alderman until 1917. He was Mayor in 1914 and 1915 and performed excellent work in connection with the organisation of patriotic funds and the supervision of wartime bodies …. During his term a huge flood visited the municipality and people walked Church-street knee deep between Phillip-street and Lennox Bridge. The flood did great damage and Mayor Graham was engaged for weeks after in restoring the appearance of the town.
For many years Mr. Graham has been a member of Paramatta Park Trust and for a time was chairman. He was also a member of Parramatta District Hospital Committee and figured for a term as president. The School of Arts was one of his special interests in earlier years, and he was a committeeman of that institution.
… Mr. Graham was married twice, his second wife, who survives him, being Miss Nellie Newell, formally a nurse at Parramatta District Hospital. He leaves a family of eleven, (including one son and six daughters) … and four infant children of his second marriage.
The funeral will leave the deceased’s late residence at 2 o’clock this afternoon for the Church of England cemetery, Prospect.