It is reasonably common for the mayors and lord mayors of local governments in Australia to adopt the tradition of wearing regalia on special occasions such as formal functions, council meetings and citizenship ceremonies.
An English tradition dating back to the 1300s, regalia is still in use throughout the Commonwealth as well as a select number of other countries. Initially adopted when mayors were responsible for law and order in their civic districts, the robes served as a symbol of authority. Today, the regalia generally consists of a set of robes, chains of office and a hat.
Whilst there is no standard colour for mayoral robes, some common colours are black, purple, blue, red and gold. They can be lined in silk and trimmed in velvet, fur or mock fur. Sometimes they are worn with a lace fall or jabot, and a hat. The hat can be bicorne or tricorne with some form of gold embellishment and feathers.
In Parramatta, each mayor decides the extent to which they will wear the regalia. Over the course of council’s history, some never wore the regalia while in office, whilst others wore them on a regular basis.
The first set of robes and chains were purchased in 1938 ahead of the city’s 150th anniversary celebrations. They were worn for the first time at the Council meeting of 18 July 1938 by Mayor WJ Irwin (1938-1939).
Mayor WJ Irwin, c1938, Source: City of Parramatta Cultural Collections, Mayoral Portrait Collection, ACC190.001.001
The second set of robes was purchased in 1967 from Ede and Ravenscroft Limited, Robemakers of London and the chain of office was made by Angus and Coote, Sydney. The robes were red with a black facing and trimmed with fur. These were worn with a lace jabot.
These robes, currently on display in the Parramatta Town Hall, are also seen worn here by Mayor Alan Hyam (1986-1987), before the position of Mayor was raised to Lord Mayor for the city’s bicentennial celebrations in 1988.
In the adjoining photo, he can be seen as Lord Mayor (1988-1991), wearing the next set of robes and chains. The robes were purchased from P. Blashki & Sons Pty Ltd, whilst the chains were purchased from Harvey C. Smith Pty. Ltd.
Alan Hyam as Mayor in 1987 and as Lord Mayor in 1989. Source: City of Parramatta Cultural Collections, Mayoral Portrait Collection, ACC190.001.013 and ACC190.001.017.
The current set of lord mayoral robes, purchased from George H. Lilley Regalia in 2022, consists of a black over robe with gold braid and tassels, a black under robe with purple trim and red lining, and lace jabot and cuffs. Whilst the sterling silver 23ct gold plated chains, were purchased from T & S Signcraft Pty. Ltd in 2021. A black tricorne furfelt hat with gold braid and ostrich plumes, purchased from The Sydney Millinery Company in 2018, completes the regalia.
Lord Mayor Bob Dwyer (2019-2021) can be seen here wearing the robes and chains of office.

Bolin, F.D (1972) Civic Ceremonial and Protocol, Sydney, NSW. The Law Book Co.Ltd and Hicks Smith & Sons Pty Ltd
Bray, S.W (compiler) (2011) A Grand Type of Citizen: a guide to the Mayors and Lord Mayors of Parramatta 1861-2011. Parramatta City Council
City of Parramatta, (2015) Background research notes regarding Mayoral Robes, Ref: D03597808
City of Parramatta, (1988, August 15) Parramatta Bicentennial Community Committee Minutes (3699/H)
City of Sydney (2015) Mace, Chain and Robes. Retrieved 14 Nov 2018 from https://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/learn/sydneys-history/civic-history/symbols-of-the-city/mace-chain-and-robes
Penrith City Local History (n.d) Mayoral Regalia and Chain of Office. Retrieved 13 November 2018 from https://penrithhistory.com/local-government/mayoral-regalia-and-chain-of-office