The photo above is George Street, looking towards the George Street gatehouse of Parramatta Park. As the title indicates, the focus of this article is the Fish and Oysters Cafe on the north-east side of George Street, Parramatta, between the Commercial Bank of NSW and opposite Tattersalls Hotel, later Woolworths. This was Byron’s (also known as Byron’s Grills, Byron’s Cafe). Byron’s were fish and oyster specialists that opened its new modern cafe and dining rooms at 24 George Street, Parramatta.
![Byron's Grill [advertisement] (1936, December 17). The Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate, p. 19](/sites/phh/files/inline-images/Byron%27s%20Grill%20opening%20advertisement.jpg)
By 1939, Byron’s became The Strand Fish Cafe.[3] It remained opened until there was an auction for the plant and furniture on the premises on 15 September 1954.[4] As a little side note, there was another premises known as The Strand which was behind the Murray Ltd building then numbered 85 Macquarie Street but this art deco building has since been demolished as part of the Parramatta Square development.[5]

Going through Council's valuation book records[7], the Sands Directory[8], NSW land title records[9] and local newspapers[10] for the premises then listed as 18A to 24 George Street, it appears that the building was then owned by Louis Jack (1889-1957)[11]. Jack was suppose to be a well known furrier and dyer businessman in the area having established his shop “Parramatta Furriers, Dryers & Dry Cleaners” and “Jack’s” circa 1915-1916 at 18, 20, 22 George Street. One of his selling points based on local advertisements was that his shop was located at the same premises for over 30 years until the late 1940s to 1950. He is also credited as being the man who beautified George Street[12] as he owned a number of properties along George Street including then number 30 George Street and number 41-47 George Street which was adjoining the then Woolworths building at the time of his death.
In October 1920, Jack leased the premises to the Parramatta & District Co-operative Society Limited for 2 years. In February 1925, the lease was changed to The Co-operative (Green) Coupon Company Limited until their lease expired in October 1953.[9] Below is a photograph inside the Parramatta branch[13] then managed by Robert Rennie (d. 5 February 1916)[14]
The building subsequently appears to have been sold to Amalgamated Securities Limited in early 1950.[15]
In 1968, the British insurance group Prudential Assurance Company Limited took over the premises 22-26 George Street, Parramatta.[16] They had McNamara’s build the single-storey shopping arcade Mayfair Mall with 21 shop units, 19 tenancy areas.[17] Mayfair Mall was in April 1984 purchased by The Oceanic Property Trust Group (also Oceanic Balanced Property Trust No. 17) for a record $2.75 million.[18]
Today Mayfair Plaza continues to operate under the address 272 Church Street, Parramatta.[19] Inside, it's logo also promotes it as a destination about food, fashion and fun. Its shops include a newsagent, real estate and food stores inside.

Anne Tsang, Research Assistant, Parramatta Heritage Centre, City of Parramatta, 2021
- City of Parramatta (2021). George Street, Parramatta, view along street looking west through Church Street intersection in middle distance, ca. 1930s. Local Studies Library, Local Studies Photograph Collection, Object number LSP00772. Retrieved from https://heritagecentre.cityofparramatta.nsw.gov.au/objects/8764/george-street-parramatta-view-along-street-looking-west-through-church-street-intresection-in-middle-distance-ca-1930s#&gid=1&pid=1
- Something new for Parramatta to fill a long felt want : The well-known Byrons' Grill fish and oyster specialists. [Advertisement] (1936, December 17). The Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate, p. 19. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article10469897
- Let's all go down the Strand! (1939, August 2). The Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate, p. 12. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article106207207
- Parramatta auction sale of plant and furniture contained in the premises known as The Strand Fish Cafe (1954, September 14). The Sydney Morning Herald, p. 16. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article18460447
- City of Parramatta (2020). DA/611/2019 : 85-97 Macquarie Street (Lots 1-5 DP 264408, Lots 7 & 8 DP 702736). In City of Parramatta advertising request form : Development applications on public exhibition, [p. 10]. Retrieved from https://www.cityofparramatta.nsw.gov.au/sites/council/files/2020-01/development_proposals_advertised_15_january_2020_to_6_february_2020.pdf
- Arfanis, Peter. (2015). The Strand, Macquarie Street, Parramatta. Retrieved from https://historyandheritage.cityofparramatta.nsw.gov.au/blog/2015/04/27/the-strand-macquarie-street-parramatta
- City of Parramatta (2021). Valuation books for Councils of Parramatta, Granville, Ermington and Rydalmere 1925-1965. Available on premises only (at Parramatta Heritage Centre Local Studies Research Library).
- City of Sydney. (2021) Sands postal directory. Available online at https://archives.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/nodes/view/495003
- NSW Land Registry Service (2021) NSW LRS online portal. Available online at https://online.nswlrs.com.au/wps/portal/six/home ; NSW Land Registry Service (2021) NSW LRS Historical Land Records Viewer (HLRV) [database]. Available online at
https://hlrv.nswlrs.com.au/ - National Library of Australia (2021) Trove newspapers & gazettes [database]. Available online at https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/
- Tsang, Anne. (2021). Louis Jack.
- Louis Jack : George Street Booster (1928, March 30). The Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate, p. 12. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article107101038
- The Co-operative (Green) Coupon Company. Mr Rennie, Manager Parramatta Branch [Image]. In Robert S. Hillier (compiler). (c. 1905). Beautiful Parramatta : descriptive and illustrative. Parramatta, [NSW] : Federal Printing Works, p. [59]. Available online at http://search.slv.vic.gov.au/permalink/f/1o9hq1f/SLV_VOYAGER1302817
- In memoriam : Rennie (1918, February 9). The Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate, p. 6. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article86214914
- City of Parramatta (1951). [Valuation record for 22/24 George Street (north side) owned by Amalgamated Securities Limited]. In Valuation books for Parramatta Council ; NSW Certificate of title, transfer number F953329. In volume 2327-folio128. Retrieved from HLRV
- City of Parramatta (1968). [Valuation record for 22-26 George Street, Parramatta owned by Prudential Assurance Company Limited] In Valuation books for Parramatta Council.
- Builder's labourers [job advertisement]. (1969, March 20). The Sydney Morning Herald, p. 39
- Mayfair Mall sold for $2.7 m. (1984, May 10). The Sydney Morning Herald, p. 26
- CityScope (1984). Parramatta cityscope. Milsons Point, N.S.W.: Cityscope Publications, map 8, no. 26