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2020 has been named The International Year of the Nurse and Midwife by the World Health Organisation. This year marks the 200th anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale – the world’s most famous nurse.
Florence Nightingale has been described as a caring and trailblazing British nurse, statistician, social reformer and leader of improved health care who is widely regarded as the founder of modern nursing.

(Source: Wikipedia)
World War One and Parramatta Nurses
Australia’s involvement in World War One began on 4 August 1914. Many who joined up believed that the war would be a great adventure, but none could have imagined the scale of the endeavour on which they were about to embark. Sadly, many of these soldiers, sailors, airmen, medical support staff and nurses didn’t make it home. Their courage, sacrifice, hardship and losses brought a new maturity to our nation.
Australian women could serve overseas only if they joined the Australian Army Nursing Service (AANS), the Queen Alexandra’s Imperial Military Nursing Service or the Red Cross. Across Australia a total of 2,861 women enlisted for duty during World War One and 513 of these were from New South Wales.
Read the stories compiled by Research Team about Nurses: Parramatta & District Nurses & Midwives World War One and Parramatta Nurses
Parramatta Nurses and Midwives
Nurses and midwives are the cornerstone of health systems, providing skilled and compassionate care and leadership around the clock. Over 50,000 nurses and midwives work within NSW Health hospitals and health services, providing safe, quality care for the people of NSW.
The International Year of the Nurse and Midwife presents a unique opportunity to recognise and showcase the work and contributions of nurses and midwives to patients. Let’s acknowledge and give genuine recognition to the honest and meaningful work of nurses and midwives for their communities.